Shredded packing Paper
17 Ways to Upcycle & Reuse Shredded Paper!
September 26, 2015 – 10:04 am
- Recycle any colorful paper by shredding it & using it as gift bag filler material.
- Use as pet bedding for guinea pigs, bunnies, hamsters, gerbils, etc.
- Create your own cat or dog bed! Sew an old sheet or washable blanket into a zippered dog bed. Then you can wash the cover and restuff with new shred regularly!
- Create your own cat litter! Soak paper in water and a little dish soap to dissolve any ink. Rinse and repeat with clean water. Add baking soda to the paper pulp and knead it in. Crumble the pulp into bits and allow it to dry thoroughly. More info here.
Around the House
- Starting a fire in the fireplace or wood stove? Shredded paper can make great kindling.
- Add small amounts of shredded paper to your compost pile to extend it … and to make it more manageable.
- Substitute shredded paper as mulch — or simply extend your regular mulch materials — to conserve water & suppress weeds in your garden.
- Use shredded paper in the bottom of your potted plants to help with drainage and to reduce the amount of potting soil required.
- Create your own seed starters!
Get Creative!
- Use shredded paper to stuff your scarecrow next Halloween.
- Create a shredded paper snowman.
- Create a beautiful shredded paper sculpture!
- Create AMAZING shredded paper art!
So many awesome uses for shredded paper!
Are you ready to SHRED like a money-saving, tree-hugging, pet-loving, creative artist rockstar?! Go for it! I’d love to hear about your creative uses for shredded paper in the comments or via facebook!
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