Cardboard box Crafts for kids
I must confess I am in love with these little guys!! the easiest and goofiest of halloween cardboard box spiders made with pipe cleaners, googly eyes and paper.
It’s been a good week for crafting in MollyMooLand – after my modem was unceremoniously ‘zapped’ in a crazy lightening storm last friday week I have been devoid of broadband access at home and just focused on doing rather than talking about doing for the week. I should do this more often!! :)
Molly and her playdate were quite decisive in which one they liked best this afternoon – Molly grabbed “the lunatic” spider and her pal picked “the mischievous” one – too funny xxx
To recreate the mischief in your house or classroom all you need are:
Cardboard box
Black paint (acrylic paint will cover the graphics in one coat, poster paint may take two coats)
Black pipe cleaners
Red craft paper
Googly eyes
Craft glue
Start with your cardboard box – I cut a medicine bottle in two
Invite your child to draw a series of mouths, from goofy to fierce, on a piece of paper. They can select their favourites and cut them out and leave them aside with the pipe cleaners and googly eyes. Next the red craft paper needs to be cut into little strips for the eyebrows.
Paint the box(es) black and leave to dry.
All the kids need to do then is
– glue on the mouths
– stick on the googly eyes
– glue on the eyebrows
– make little holes in the sides of the box, push in the pipe cleaners and bend, bend, bend.
And voila!! some goofy, not so spooky, halloween spider buddies to play with or display.