Cardboard boxes design

A Sound And Art Installation Created from 250 Cardboard Boxes
January 15, 2024 – 03:28 pm

Zimoun_2015_BorusanContemporary_04While everyday cardboard may not seem to be the most high-tech material, that’s what Zimoun turned to in order to create a room-size installation that addresses multiple contrasting themes. As part of the exhibition at Borusan Contemporary in Istanbul, Zimoun, along with two other artists, produced a space that promotes reflection and contemplation around cultural and social conditions.

Using dozens of the same sized cardboard boxes, motors, wood, metal, tape and wire, the boxes are arranged in a specific order that results in complex sounds and motion. Acting as a sculptural space, each box is intentionally placed to highlight its rhythmic and sonic potential. A controlled mechanism creates sonic and physical vibrations that further deepens the dynamic nature of the speakers, and varies in time and force. Set in a white box of a room, the unexpected low-tech boxes create a new architecture of sound that stands out amongst the highly controlled space of the gallery.

Zimoun_2015_BorusanContemporary_03 Zimoun_9148_01_1500x1000px
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Popular Q&A
Help me come up with a unique cardboard box design!? | Yahoo Answers

Create or choose a fragile product – an egg for example – design packaging that will permit it to be sent through the post.
Create a package that will let pet-owners carry a puppy to and from a vet – strong, absorbent, safe.
There is already cardboard furniture – design a box that will be used to package a cushion, when the box is opened and refolded it becomes a stool to put the cushion on.

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